- 2020 How Democrats Win: Resisting the Dark Side of Radicalism.
- Self-published. Jun., 170 pages. (pdf)
- 2020 Ripped Apart: How Democrats Can Fight Polarization to Win.
- Self-published. Jan., 314 pages. (pdf)
- 2017 Global Carbon Pricing: The Path to Climate Cooperation
- edited with Peter Cramton, David JC MacKay, and Axel Ockenfels, MIT Press, June, 309 pages. (pdf)
- 2012 Transmission Expansion for Renewable Energy Scale-Up: Emerging Lessons and Recommendations
- with Marcelino Madrigal, World Bank Publications, July, 147 pages.
- 2010 Dépasser Copenhague, apprendre à coopérer: Propostition de politique post-Kyoto
- with Mathieu Thomas, Éditions L’Harmattan, Sept., 157 pages.
- 2009 Beyond Kyoto. Self-published, English version. (pdf)
- 2008 Carbonomics: How to Fix the Climate and Charge It to OPEC
- Self-published. December 2008, 297 pages. (pdf) Review in Foreign Affairs.
- 2002 Power System Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity
- Wiley-IEEE Press; May, 2002, 493 pages.
Published Op-Eds
- 2018 The path to climate cooperation
- Reuters, August 30, sole author, but published with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels.
- 2015 Price carbon — I will if you will
- Nature, October. 15, with David J. C. MacKay, Peter Cramton, and Axel Ockenfels.
- 2009 A Carbon Protection Racket
- Christian Science Monitor, July 27, with Daniel Kirschner.
- 2001 The Market Flaw California Overlooked
- New York Times, January 2.
Published Papers
- 2015 Symposium on International Climate Negotiations (Intro)
- with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 4:2, 1-64, September. (All papers)
- 2015 An International Carbon-Price Commitment Promotes Cooperation
- with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 4:2, 51-64, September.
- 2013 Capacity Market Fundamentals
- with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2:2.
- 2012 Global Climate Games: How Pricing and a Green Fund Foster Cooperation
- with Peter Cramton, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 1:2, March.
- Appendix and Spreadsheet
- 2012 How to Fix the Inefficiency of Global Cap and Trade
- with Peter Cramton, The Economists’ Voice, April.
- 2010 Price is a Better Climate Commitment
- with Peter Cramton, The Economists’ Voice, 7:1,, February 2010.
- 2010 Research and Development Programs for Hydrogen: US and EU
- with César Dopazo. Chapter 13 in Security of Supply in Europe: Natural Gas, Nuclear and Hydrogen, Edward Elgar. (Madrid slides, 2008)
- 2009 Flexible Global Carbon Pricing: A Backward-Compatible Upgrade for the Kyoto Protocol
- European University Institute Working Paper No. RSCAS 2009/35, July, 2009.
- 2008 Forward Reliability Markets: Less Risk, Less Market Power, More Efficiency
- with Peter Cramton, Utilities Policy, Vol. 16, #3, 194-201. Sept.
- 2007 Why We Need to Stick with Uniform-Price Auctions in Electricity Markets
- with Peter Cramton, The Electricity Journal, Volume 20, Issue 1, January/February 2007.
- 2007 A Dynamic Analysis of a Demand-Curve-Based Capacity Market Proposal: The PJM Reliability Pricing Model
- Hobbs, Hu, Inon, Stoft, Bhavaraju. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 22:1, pp. 3–14.
- 2007 Transmission Investment in a Deregulated Power Market,
- Chapter 2 in Competitive Electricity Markets and Sustainability, Edited by François Lévêque. Edward Elgar Publishers, January 2007.
- 2005 A Capacity Market that Makes Sense
- with Peter Cramton, Electricity Journal, 18, 43-54, Aug/Sept.
- 2008 Forward Reliability Markets: Less Risk, Less Market Power, More Efficiency
- with Peter Cramton, Utilities Policy, 16, 194-201, 2008.
- In progress. More listed below
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Calgary, October 2018. A two-day workshop for the Alberta Utilities Commission.
- Paris, October 2015. CEC TSE CEPS joint conference: Economic stakes of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference.
- London, October 2015. Press Conference concerning the publication of our Nature op-ed, with David MacKay and Axel Ockenfels. Attended by reporters from The Guardian, The Telegraph, BBC (article), Frankfurter Allgemeine (article), The Times, and others.
- Palo Alto, CA, March 2015. Stanford Workshop for Global Carbon Pricing (Kenneth Arrow in attendance).
- “Voting for a Global Carbon Price: Under a Self-Enforcing Treaty.”
- Mannheim, May 2014. “Third Mannheim Energy Conference.
- “Don’t Blame the Negotiators; Change the Climate Game: Price Carbon.”
- Stockholm, May 2013. 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market.
- “How to Fix Climate Policy and Why It Would Help Electricity Markets.”
- London, June 2012. The Strategy Directorate, Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK.
- “Global Climate Policy — Without the Hot Air” (title based on David MacKay’s book).
- Washington, DC. February 2010. World Bank talk.
- Madison, WI, June 2009. Wisconsin Public Utility Institute.
- Calgary, October 2009. University of Calgary conference: Transforming the Grid.
- Madrid, April 2008. Third CESSA Conference: Prospects for a European Hydrogen Economy (funded by EU).
- Ottawa, November 2007. Dept. of the Environment, Canada.
- Paris, Mar. 5–16, 2007. Master Erasmus Mundus EMIN course, University of Paris 11. A series of four three-hour lectures.
- Toulouse, Jan 2004. “Market Design and Competition:
- Mexico City, May 2002. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference.
Working Papers etc.
- 2014 Don’t Blame the Negotiators: Change the Climate Game
- 3rd Mannheim Energy Conference, keynote address, May 5. Slides.
- 2013 How to Negotiate Ambitious Global Emissions Abatement
- with Peter Cramton and Axel Ockenfels. Working paper, May.
- 2013 How to Fix Climate Policy and Why It Would Help Electricity Markets
- EEM 13 Conference on the European Energy Market, keynote address, May 30. Slides.
- 2013 Transmission Loss Factor Rule and [Incremental] Loss Factor Methodology
- with Ross Baldick, Before the Alberta Utilities Commission, July, 2013.
- 2011 Concurring Opinion on Economic Issues Raised by FERC Order 745, “Demand Response Compensation in Organized Wholesale Power Markets
- as a member of the Market Surveillance Committee of the California ISO, posted June 6. (Slides on FERC Order 745)
- 2011 Transmission Loss Factor Rule and [Incremental] Loss Factor Methodology
- Before the Alberta Utilities Commission, April, 2011.
- 2010 Global Carbon Pricing: A Better Climate Commitment
- with Peter Cramton. World Bank talk, May 20. Slides (updated from February 24th talk, also at World Bank).
- 2010 Renewable Fuel and the Global Rebound Effect
- Report for the Clean Air Task Force, May 19, 2010.
- 2009 Global Carbon Pricing: A Better Climate Commitment
- with Peter Cramton, GEPC Research Paper 09-06, December (long version).